A Live 8-Week Program to:

  • Streamline Your Operations

  • Simplify Your Marketing

  • Multiply Your Time

  • Create Leverage to Scale

Simplify and Scale with AI is an 8-week live program designed to help you streamline operations, enhance marketing, and save time by leveraging AI.

Led by Crista Grasso, you'll receive hands-on training, custom toolkits, and expert guidance to master AI-driven solutions for operational efficiency and scalable growth.

The program includes live & interactive workshops, personalized prompts, and lifetime access to a comprehensive AI resource hub, enabling you to achieve significant time savings and sustainable business growth.

Join now to elevate your business with AI.


Maybe you're already regularly leveraging AI in your business but know you could be using it much more strategically?

Or maybe you've been avoiding going all-in on AI because you're worried that without fully understanding how to implement it effectively, it will become just another expense and time suck?

The reality is that the way we work is rapidly evolving...

AI can enable us to work smarter, not harder.

But only for those who are willing to adapt.

Businesses that master optimizing results while minimizing effort and expenses will have a competitive edge long-term. 

The first step is becoming an AI-Enabled Business™, and that's exactly what we do together in this program.

Here's what most people get wrong when using AI...

They focus on shiny tactics and tools and end up wasting a lot of time without improving their results.

Use of AI needs to be an extension of a clear strategy that supports your unique vision and goals.

That's why we start with strategy.

Then we blend it with the most aligned AI tech and tools and personalized prompts and tactics so you experience results unlike anything you've been getting on your own or through other AI programs.

We don't just teach you how to do cool things with AI...

We teach you how to simplify and scale your business and achieve your vision and goals faster, better, and more efficiently by strategically leveraging AI capabilities. 

We Focus on 3 Core Areas

to Simplify and Scale Your Business with AI

AI can amplify your thought leadership and magnify your marketing results when used strategically. We spend 2 sessions building your marketing and content AI-engine and training it to learn your brand voice and POV and develop content unique to you that's designed to attract, nurture, and convert. 

AI can help you create more accurate and detailed client avatars, which is more important than ever as buying behaviors have shifted. We spend 2 sessions upleveling your existing client personas and building your client AI-engine to enhance your marketing and increase conversions and retention in sales conversations. 

When you have the right prompts combined with the right templates, AI can create your processes and SOPs for you, streamlining operations, reducing documentation time, and enhancing efficiency and productivity. We spend 2 sessions building your operational AI-engine to systematize your business.

Here's A Break Down of Each Week

In addition to a live and interactive workshop with dedicated implementation time and Q&A support, you also get a weekly content drop with micro-trainings and customized prompts so you have EVERYTHING you need to take action and start getting results for each of our focus areas.

KICK OFF: How to Use AI to Simplify and Scale

In our kick-off session, we focus on the fundamentals that will help you get the best possible results from AI while minimizing wasted time and money. 

We cover how to think about AI, what you can do with it, how it can help you simplify and streamline, and how it enables you to create the leverage for scale. 

We also set up the tools we will be using together and cover the critical steps you need to take to protect your intellectual property and data so everything you do is safe and secure.

Maximize Impact and Minimize Time with AI-Enabled Thought Leadership Content and Marketing

One of the things that keeps people from using AI for content creation is wanting to maintain and protect their brand voice and unique point of view.  However, when approached strategically, AI can strengthen your thought leadership and uplevel your brand. 

In these 2 sessions, we build your marketing and content AI-engine including Custom GPTs for your brand. 

We also explore 3 simple tool options and approaches and train your AI to learn your brand and develop high-impact content that's unique to your business and your target market.

You learn our proprietary Lean Content Marketing and Repurposing System and have an AI-Engine ready to implement it for you!

Increase Visibility, Conversions, and Retention with Next Level Client Personas

It's one thing to know your client... it's another thing to have an AI-engine that's trained to deeply know your client, their struggles, their desires, their specific language, and the things that will speak to their biggest pain points and turn their thoughts about your offers from a nice-to-have to a must-have-now!

In these 2 sessions, we build your ideal client AI-engine including Custom GPTs for each of your ideal client personas.

This includes building custom personas, narratives, and future state transformation visions, all of which can be used to uplevel your content and marketing, your retention and referral approach, and your sales pages, conversations, and proposals. 

This will take what you already know about your clients to the next level and dramatically simplify all of your future marketing and sales efforts.

Streamline Your Operations and Create Simple Systems, Processes, and SOPs

Systems help to consistently improve results, increasing efficiency and productivity. They are key to building a high performing team. But they can be time consuming to create and maintain. The good news is that when you have the right prompts combined with the right templates, AI can create your processes and SOPs for you.

In these 2 sessions, we build your operational AI-engine to systematize your business and streamline your operations. But that's not all...

Not only will you understand how to create systems, processes, and SOPs using AI, but we will co-create elements of one your most high-value systems - your hiring system! We'll leverage AI to create job descriptions, interview questions, and build processes and SOPs for employee onboarding and offboarding. 

WRAP UP: Open Q&A Call with Crista

We wrap things up with an open forum Q&A call where you can get any final questions answered from Crista related to everything you implemented over the course of the 6 interactive workshops.

This is your opportunity to bring in situational questions and get personalized support.


Yes, it's an AI Program...
But it's also SO MUCH MORE!

You're not just implementing AI, you're implementing complete systems for content marketing and repurposing, client personas and conversions, and process and SOP creation.

There is nothing cookie-cutter here and you won't find this info or personalized prompts anywhere else. In fact, you are learning key systems and content from our signature Simplify to Scale framework and mentorship program.


Plus Get a Bonus Call with Crista!

We officially kick off our 8-weeks together on August 6th, but those who join now get 3 incredible limited time bonuses:

  1. Save $1000 and join as a beta member - Be one of the 1st 20 people and join for only $1500 instead of $2500

  2. Get a bonus workshop and Q&A call with Crista on July 9th - 90 minutes of AI magic to kickstart things ahead of the program start in August

  3. Early access to select prompts, trainings, and toolkits

Here's What's Included

Our Schedule

Tuesdays at 6pm ET / 3pm PT

  • Kick Off Call: August 6th
  • Workshop 1: August 13th
  • Workshop 2: August 20th
  • Workshop 3: August 27th
  • Workshop 4: Sept 10th
  • Workshop 5: Sept 17th
  • Workshop 6: Sept 24th
  • Wrap Up Call: October 1st

6 Live & Interactive Weekly Workshops

We don't just give you diy training, prompts, and toolkits, we teach you how to use AI in a way most people haven't even scratched the surface of yet.

Maybe you already have custom GPTs in place? Or you already use AI for content marketing? Great! These workshops will take things to the next level and have you saying "AI can do that?!?"

We'll guide you through implementation of each of our core focus areas and answer any questions you may have with weekly live workshops.  This gives you dedicated time and support each week to take action get expert insight on how to customize the implementation to fit your unique needs. 

Dedicated Kick Off & Wrap Up Calls

To ensure each of our 6 workshops are as value-packed as possible, we have separate calls for kick off and wrap up (for a total of 8 live calls together). 

In our kick off call, we teach you how to think about AI and what you can do with it in a whole new way, and we get everything in place that you will need for the live and interactive workshops so you are ready to dive in and get started!

Our wrap up call is dedicated to answering any open questions you have so you can wrap up the program with clarity and confidence in continuing to leverage AI to simplify and scale your business.

6 Implementation Toolkits & Prompt Bundles

One of the most important things you can master with AI are the right prompts.  We take all the guesswork out of it by sharing our tested prompts as well as tips and tricks for implementation so you get maximum value with minimal time investment.

Some of the prompts we are sharing took us over 4 hours each to come up with... and that was before the hours & hours of testing and revisions we did to get them to work just right.

You can skip all the trial and error and avoid being distracted by every shiny new AI tool and get right into what you really want - personalized results!

A new toolkit and prompt bundle drops each week to complement that week's live and interactive workshop.

Private Community for Support Between Calls 

You get access to a private community exclusively for those in Simplify and Scale with AI where you can ask questions, share wins, and build relationships with other members between calls.

The community is in Circle, making it simple to access on desktop or mobile via their app. 

Plus You'll Get These Bonuses

BONUS: Lifetime Access to AI Resource Hub in Notion

AI is super fast-moving and so are we! That's why we give you lifetime access to a comprehensive Notion workspace filled with our expert-crafted prompts, best practices, guides, and templates. This alone is worth the full investment in the program.

Not only will you get the ones we are using for this cohort, but you will also get access to any new prompts we add for future cohorts as we continue to identify new tools, tips, and best practices for simplifying and scaling with AI. 

BONUS: Access for 1 - 2 Members of Your Team

Since we are spanning operations, marketing, and sales, we understand that there may be different people on the team accountable for each.  As a result, we give access to 1 - 3 people from the same team (typically the founder and their right-hand or their operations and marketing leads).

Please note that access for your team is limited to internal team members ONLY, not outside consultants or agencies. 

You will have the ability to share with us who you want to be granted access at checkout. Only those who have your company email address will be given access - no exceptions.


Regular investment is $2500... but we're kicking off the 1st cohort of Simplify and Scale with AI with beta pricing for the first 20 members!

Your Investment as a Beta Member?

Most Flexible

$550 / mo



Best Value




We Kick Off

Join Us As a Beta Member and Save $1000










Those who join now get a bonus 90-minute workshop and Q&A call with Crista on July 9th!

Meet Your AI Mentor, Crista Grasso

Crista Grasso has spent more than 2 decades helping businesses scale in simple and sustainable ways and adopt lean and agile ways of working - from the largest Fortune 50 companies in the world, to online small businesses. 

She specializes in working with service-based businesses to implement a complete ecosystem for scaling success that allows the business owner to elevate their focus to thought leadership and legacy work instead of having to constantly put out fires and feel stuck in the day to day.

She works directly with founders through her boutique scaling advisory firm, Lean Out Method, and she mentors, trains, and certifies the right-hand leader to the founder in her training and certification company, Strategic Ops Institute, where she offers programs & certification paths for those who want to elevate to become a Strategy and Operations Leader (SOL). 

Crista is an early adopter of AI capabilities and trusted by numerous businesses to simplify and scale with AI. She regularly trains and speaks on AI in private groups, on her podcast, and was recently interviewed by Buffer on the innovative ways she's using AI to save time and money and scale businesses.

She challenges herself to continuously find innovative ways to leverage AI to amplify business results while reducing complexity, time, and expenses. She is sharing her most up to date findings with you in her Simplify and Scale With AI Program.


Frequently Asked Questions

Ready to Get Started? JOIN NOW

Who Simplify & Scale with AI is For

This program is for both founders and their operational and marketing team members to learn how to effectively and efficiently simplify and scale leveraging AI.

To get the most value out of this program, you must have or work with an existing business and understand who the ideal client is.

Please note that this is NOT a 101-level program so while you don't need to be someone who heavily uses AI today, you will need to either be familiar with using an AI tool like ChatGPT or tech savvy enough to know you can pick it up quickly.


Here's What You'll Leave With

  • Custom GPTs + personalized prompts for your brand that will help you expand upon your thought leadership content and repurpose like a pro

  • Custom GPTs + personalized prompts for your ideal client personas that will help you with sales conversations, sales pages,  emails, & marketing

  • Processes created for your hiring system including job descriptions, interview questions, and SOPs for employee onboarding and offboarding

  • Templates and personalized prompts for creating, updating, maintaining, and organizing your processes and SOPs

  • Lifetime access to a library of vetted prompts and best practices designed to help you simplify operations and scale impact and profit

Plus you'll have an understanding of:

  • How to keep your and your clients data and Intellectual Property (IP) safe and secure when using AI tools

  • How to prompt your AI tools to get the best results with the least trial and error and effort - spanning research, copywriting, process creation, & more

  • How to leverage AI as a high-value research assistant
Ready to Get Started? JOIN NOW


We understand you may be hesitant to join a program sight-unseen, especially if you are new to working with us. 

That's why we offer a 100% money-back guarantee as follows. 

Register to join, explore the online portal, and attend the kick-off session.  You have up to 24 hours after the kick off call to contact us and request a refund if you don't feel it's for you.