About the Strategic Ops Institute (SOI)

SOI is the go-to authority site for Operational Leaders and Founders looking for the latest + time proven strategies to scale their business, expand their team, and find a trusted right-hand person

About the Strategic Ops Institute (SOI)

SOI is the go-to authority site for Operational Leaders and CEOs looking for the latest + time proven strategies to scale their business, expand their team, and find a trusted right hand person

What Makes Us Different

  • Everything we do is based on decades of real-world experience and results and not just theory

  • Our frameworks, methods, and approaches for scaling deliver results in ways that are rooted in simplicity and sustainability.  They can be perfectly described by the quote from Eistein that "Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler." 

  • We address the gap in the market for companies who don't need the rigidity and heaviness of many of the available growth and scaling frameworks, but who know they need structure and support in scaling through the "messy middle" of high-multi-6 to multi-7 and 8 figures

  • We integrate lean for operational efficiency, starting with elimination of waste to reclaim time and money

  • We integrate agile for a more modern approach that fits the dynamic nature of a small online business

  • We certify operational leaders to become Strategy and Operations Leaders (SOLs) and teach them how to sustainably scale an online business from multi-6 to multi-7 figures

  • Unlike other certifications that focus more at a VA or OBM level, we focus at a C-Suite Level and certify SOLs to become the Fractional COO that a scaling small business needs - but we don't call them a Fractional COO... we call them a CSOO (Chief Strategy + Operating Officer), because what's really needed is the blend of Strategy + Operations

Why Do Small Businesses Need a CSOO to Scale?

Operational roles are critical now more than ever before because of the rise of Fractional CMOs.

CMOs promise business growth, but when a business experiences growth, especially rapid growth, their operations become highly complex and often unsustainable.

Issues with team are amplified, lack of the right systems eats into profits and can impact client experience, the Founder is busier than ever putting out fires and trying to stay on top of #allthethings.

Growth creates or highlights operational gaps and opportunities.

Especially when the CMO is an excellent creative ideator but not someone who puts the marketing systems in place to operationally support what they introduce.

The rise of AI for more routine activities also creates a demand for an operational leader who is also a strategic thinker and true partner to the Founder as opposed to just someone who oversees implementation.

There are countless benefits to adding a CSOO, leading to significant increases in revenue, profit margins, and time savings.

About SOI's Founder, Crista Grasso

Crista Grasso is the Founder of the Strategic Ops Institute, Lean Out Method, and Criscara.  She has spent the past 2 decades helping businesses scale in simple and sustainable ways and adopt lean and agile ways of working - from the largest Fortune 50 companies in the world, to coaches, consultants, agencies, and online experts. 

Known as the "Business Optimizer", she helps business owners to quickly cut through the noise and focus on optimizing the core things that will make the biggest impact to grow and scale a business.

As a unique blend of 50% right-brain and 50% left-brain, and as someone who has been a part of and worked alongside members of the C-Suite for decades, Crista can see simple solutions and structures in creative ways that align with exactly what the Visionary CEO of a small to mid-sized business needs.

She doesn't believe you need rigid or complex solutions to achieve results. You want to scale in simple, adaptable, and sustainable ways, which is both her superpower and her passion.

She created the Lean Scaling System to show businesses how.



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